
About Hristiyan’s Journey
Hristiyan’s spiritual journey began in a very big way at 11 years old. We are all on our journey towards awakening all the time yet there are distinct moments in life that define us and really set us on our journey.
When Hristiyan was 11 years old, his 10 year older brother died suddenly. They had been extremely close so what that did for Hristiyan was it made him ask THOSE questions…
Where do we come from?
Where are we going?
What is the meaning of life?
Why are we here?
He struggled very much with finding the answers to those questions and felt very alone in this journey. his peers were not yet asking such questions and the elders around him were going through their own process around his brother’s death.
The only answer Hristiyan was able to come to on his own is that the only reason we are here is to live life and to live it fully. So, he committed to living each moment as fully as possible and that has been his guiding light ever since.
From there, with the help of his mother who had also begun a similar journey, Hristiyan started to explore different meditation practices through which he realized how fluid reality is and that it can be manipulated.
Another defining moment in Hristiyan’s life was when he was 25 years old and signed up to go to a pickup workshop. Within the first day of the workshop, he was told that he needed to be teaching these workshops rather than taking them. A few months later, he was doing exactly that.
Hristiyan did not actually want to be in front of the room. The idea of that was absolutely terrifying for him, yet Hristiyan did it despite it feeling like he wasn’t given the choice. People around him insisted he do so and he answered the call. What happened from there blew his mind. He experienced the deepest mediation he has ever experienced to date. His mind went more quiet than it has ever been before and nothing he said was actually coming from him. It was coming from somewhere else. People were hanging to every word. Even people old enough to be his father were looking up to him and asking deep questions. He was somehow answering them in a way that made a difference in their lives.
It was clear that there is something that wants to come through Hristiyan and all he needed to do was get himself out of the way and allow for it to come through. This energy has been a guiding light in Hristiyan’s life ever since and continues to be.
Hristiyan then spent the next 4 years traveling and teaching and attending countless workshops where he met many amazing people.
After those 4 years, Hristiyan did not know how to cover his own basic needs and when he turned 30, he had a huge realization that he needed to put all the workshops and travel aside for the remainder of his 30s. His 30s served to deepen his spiritual practices, tend to his health, and manage core needs as a human.
As Hristiyan steps into his 40s, he has been feeling the energy of leading workshops coming back and everything he has learned and been through since he was 11 years old coming together. Now Hristiyan is in the flow of allowing space for the energy and information that wants to come through while balancing it with the knowledge he’s gathered in the past 30 years from countless experiences, teachers, workshops, and practices around health, transformation, spirituality, relationships, seduction, financial independence, and so on.
Understanding that we cannot talk about the divine and spirituality if we are broke and sick, it is essential that those things are addressed in life not only on an individual level but on a global scale. Hristiyan is committed to tackling all of these issues with you.
About This Website
I want to tell you more about how to navigate this website and how everything connects.
This website is intended towards your personal sovereignty, liberation and independence. It is meant to support you and guide you on your path to stepping out of the system or the rat race in every aspect of life that matters, while being on the path of seeking truth.
We will explore:
and most important of all…Spirituality
It is important to have a holistic approach and to have all areas improve together as best we can. It is hard to be healthy if you are in a toxic relationship. It is not impossible, but it is not easy. It is hard to be healthy if you are under big financial stress. It is hard to have healthy relationships if you are under big financial stress.
All of this is aimed at one thing and that is your spiritual liberation, your mukti, your realization, your enlightenment. Some renounce everything else and they put all their energy, time and resources into their realization at the price of everything else. If you are on that journey, you will most likely will not have found this page. You would not be drawn to this. You will not even be looking for this. If you are like most people and deep inside or not so deep, you know that there is not enough money, sex, even fame and fortune that will ever fulfill you and like every human being you are searching for that place that you do know exist, this might be the place for you.
You may or may not already know that only through your own individual liberation can you know the oneness of it all. And that fulfillment can never be met or filled with anything external, yet it is hard to go internal if the external is falling apart.
If you are hungry and suffering you do not care about spirituality, you care about putting food in your stomach. Even if you are well fed and somewhat healthy and yet you are deeply lonely, sad, and/or depressed, you are most likely still not interested in spirituality. You just want to feel good on a basic human level.
And there are those that are well off, have a nice house, nice cars, married with children, and on the surface appear to have anything and everything one can need to live well in this life yet they are still deeply suffering. Sadly, they are many people like that. They have achieved it all to some extent maybe not compared to Elon Musk or Bezos but for the most part they have it all and they are still very unhappy and that could be a terrifying experience because you can feel stuck there. “I have it all, yet I am still far from being fulfilled” in some cases maybe even more unhappy because this feeling and question comes in that maybe you will never be fulfilled no matter how hard you try and how much you achieve.
So yes, not having anything could be holding you back from your liberation and having it all might be holding you back from your liberation. Or they both can be tools used for your personal liberation.
That is why I find it best to address all sides of it, and they will all lead to the same thing, and each thing will help bring you closer to that inner fulfillment. We address it from the outside and from the inside.
See one thing is undeniable and that is that we as a collective, as one humanity, have absolutely lost our way. I am using very definitive language because it needs to be addressed. If we as humanity want to have fulfilling lives, we need to change our way.
We are currently living in the sixth mass extinction on this planet. And that is kind of cool that we happen to be here during such pivotal moment of this planet’s evolution, but also fascinating is that we are the ones causing this mass extinction. See, the planet has already had 5 such times and after each one of them life has come back more abundant and more biodiverse and more evolved and conscious than the one before that. So, I am not worried about the planet. I know she will come back stronger and more vibrant and more beautiful than ever before. So maybe we are servants of this process, destroying everything so it can come back more abundant and beautiful. Yet my heart is breaking and aching witnessing this devastation and I believe in the human spirit and what it is capable of creating. I know we have the full capacity, capability, and knowledge to turn this around and to turn this sixth mass extinction of life in this place around and to restore and rejuvenate the planet. Because without a healthy, vibrant, and biodiverse planet there is not healthy, vibrant, and thriving humanity.
The beautiful thing about this process we are embarking on is that the more and more you are connected to yourself, your true nature, your inner oneness, your mukti, the more the most obvious thing for you to do becomes to be a steward of this planet and its inhabitants - whether plant, animal or human. The most obvious things become more and more obvious that we are not just one with everything, not on some spiritual philosophical level, but we are one because we are a byproduct of this planet. We are all a part of the whole.
If animals are suffering, we are suffering.
If plants are suffering, we are suffering.
If the soil is suffering, we are suffering.
If the ocean is suffering, we are suffering.
If you and fellow humans are suffering, I am suffering.
Also, if plants are suffering animals are suffering.
If the soil is suffering, the ocean is suffering.
If any one thing of the whole is suffering, the whole is suffering.
So, you see how the concept of we are all one is no longer just a concept. It is a practical reality.
I started saying we are going to explore how to step off the rat wheel or out of the rat race. See we are a part of a broken system that is simply designed to use its environment for its own fulfillment until it completely destroys the system that it is dependent on - just like a cancer.
I am a strong believer that it is easier to create a new system than it is to fix a broken one. Look what Elon Musk has done with Tesla. It was easier to create a new system that is making the old one obsolete than it is to try to change the old one. As a result, all the old car manufacturers cannot try fast enough to change the way they do things while a lot of new car manufacturers are popping up like mushrooms on the forest floor after a nice fall rain. The same here… if we change our ways, the system will naturally change itself.
What is so powerful and beautiful is that we live in a time where it is easier than it has ever been before for us to do this. I for one couldn’t be more excited.
Lastly, I want to quickly point out what I am talking about more specifically without going into any depth, so you know what we are going to explore and talk about.
Here is an example of how our system is not only broken, but it is straight up toxic…
You have heard the expression you are what you eat right? Well, what you eat is of your environment. If what you eat is not healthy and vibrant, you will not be healthy, vibrant, and alive. If you are breathing contaminated air, you get sick. If you drink contaminated water, you get sick. If you eat contaminated food, you get sick. If you consume contaminated information, you get sick.
I also want to make it very clear that when I say you get sick, it does not mean you will necessarily be laid out in bed for days or you need to go to a hospital. What I mean is you might have low energy, you might be tired all the time, you might be very cranky, easily irritable, quick to anger, sad or depressed, you might be sluggish and so on. Or you might also be laid out in bed or need to go to a hospital. A lot of people just feel very low physically and emotionally for years - getting out of bed is a struggle, doing anything is a struggle (even for people who are well off financially and consider themselves to be somewhat healthy.)
How did we get here? We as a society and generation have more comforts and access to resources and food than any other generation before use yet we are more unhappy and unhealthy than probably any other generation before us!
This website is here to explore the many reasons we got here and to provide many different solutions, options, and resources so we can start to reverse all that and find our way back to ourselves and nature.
The most important thing you can possibly do to serve the planet is to awaken.
You see, currently, we are simply surrounded by sickness and death. So in the midst of all that, it takes a lot of courage and willpower to find your way back home. Yet, the process is the most worthwhile thing you can do. If you do it, you raise the vibration of the whole and make it easier for someone else to do it. And if they do it, they make it easier for someone else and so it goes like wildfire. Not only that, but the more you awaken the more you want to be of service to your surroundings and the more your surroundings are pleasant, the more you seek truth and liberation - it all feeds on itself.
I also want to explain further why I am saying that we are surrounded by sickness and death.
Our houses are mostly all dead. What is around you that is alive and vibrant? Most people have maybe, at best, a handful of plants and maybe a single pet and how well are those doing? I am a general contractor and I have worked on many houses and I can tell we are living in a box full of chemicals. Not much, if anything, is alive and vibrant. Furthermore, we are completely isolated from our environment and the elements and the natural flow of the planet and as a result we all become more disconnected and we suffer.
One of the most important elements is water. You are at least 70% water. So water is probably the first and most important thing we want to address on your way to liberation because it has the biggest impact being the biggest percentage. The water that we have daily access to whether from the tap or a plastic bottle is basically death water. I will talk more about that to explain what I mean.
Our food, the food that we mostly have access to, has been so processed that it has almost nothing in it that looks like food. It is not only deeply processed, but it is months old therefore it has been deprived of most of its nutrients. Yes, you can buy whole foods like vegetables and fruits and those more often than not are also weeks if not months old and aren’t really organic. We will address this as well.
From there, the air quality in most densely populated areas around the world is highly polluted.
Our medical system is basically highly reliable on toxic medication with countless side effects that I refer to as also basically death. We have lost our way on how to allow for nature to heal us.
Most people’s relationships are highly toxic (if they even have one to begin with.) Most people live in isolation and are very lonely.
Financially, most people live paycheck to paycheck and are heavily in debt - even those who appear to live good lives.
Most of our entertainment is dark and twisted. We have become more and more addicted to high emotional intensity entertainment and more often than not, it is high emotional intensity in the lower harmonics of the emotional scale.
Most of our media is also the same, it only shows the dark and twisted part of humanity.
We spend very little time in nature or if we do, we are not really spending the time present with and truly connected with nature. We are deeply disconnected from the natural cycles of nature as well. A lot of people have not left the city in weeks, even months. A lot of people have not seen a star in the sky for a very long time.
When that is the reality we have created for ourselves, it is completely understandable that we are so sick emotionally and physically and from there have lost our ways as society.
If you start to slowly but surely address these disconnections, you will completely transform yourself, your life, and the environment around you.
In short (though not so short), all of this is what we will explore through this website, so we can all find our way to liberation and a rich, biodiverse life.
Thank you for joining me!