BLOG: On Gods and Cyborgs - Expressing our Limitlessness within Limits
I feel inspired to gather and share my thoughts for the world wind of adventure that is called my life. Love has been my most humbling teacher. Every time I have not listened to my heart or expressed the truth in my heart or chose to guard my heart, I have paid a price for that or, in other words, life has humbled me in ways that were not easy to take down.
VLOG: Decentralized Land Stewardship... freeing the land together
There is a world where we have EcoVillages around our beautiful planet and they are connected to each other as one community, one earth and one people. They learn together, they share their homes, they exchange craftsmanship and skills, and it starts with one... Traditional Dream Factory where SOIL AND SOULS REGENERATING LIFE TOGETHER.
VLOG: Celebrating the Sacred and Divine Feminine
March 8th, International Women's Day
Celebrating the sacred and divine feminine. I love you and Thank you for being who you are, the way you are, as you are in this moment and the next!
BLOG: they performed for her...
Art is when we can listen to the unseen realms of existence and bring that magic and wisdom from there into the realm of the five sense. And that is exactly what we tried to capture in this video. Artist and art are essential part of rising and changing the frequency of reality. Our external life is merely a reflection of our inner reality, as we step into a higher vibration within ourselves that will reflect in our external reality and art is the conduit for this transition.
VLOG: The 4 Steps to Grieving
We live in a world that is not very conducive to us feeling our emotions, as a result we cary a lot of emotional trauma that gets stored in our body as aches, pains and illness. Allowing yourself to feel your emotion in a safe way can be highly healing and transformational. We are sharing a very powerful yet simple and ancient process that you can use to let go of stored emotions in a very beautiful and potent way.
VLOG: How to Create & Build an EcoVillage
Today, we are stuck spending our time doing things that don't matter to us. Most, if not all, of our time is spent on survival. This makes us bitter, resentful, angry, unhappy. But, we actually can live a life where we are connected, joyful and live a life of contribution and giving back... to the earth, to each other, and ultimately to ourselves. Mother earth offers us alternatives.
VLOG: How to Create Courtship and Ritual with The Great Mother
On December 21st, the winter solstice, the darkest time of the year, the shortest day of the year, Austin, and I engaged in a ceremony and ritual with the creator mother.
POEM: How to Love
You want to know how to love unconditionally
Others tell you unconditional love is not possible
You romanticize love
You want it to be epic and passionate
POEM: Christmas
Solstice, the darkest day
The day all of nature slows down
Many even go into hibernation
Your body wants to slow down
Your mind wants to slow down
Your spirit is asking to take inventory
POEM: If you think you have found meaning…
If you think you have found meaning. You have surely lost your mind. If you think you have found love. You have surely lost your mind…
POEM: Love me, Love me, Love me
I know that once she loves me, I will be happy and fulfilled
And who is she?
How do I ever know if she is loving me or not?
Can I ever really know?
POEM: Securely Attached
You surely are dreaming of securely attached relationship
Yet isn’t the very act of looking for attachment an act of insecurity?
POEM: What is my purpose...
I keep chasing these dreams and goals I have
Noble dreams and goals of saving the world
Yet I can’t save myself
We all want to change the world
POEM: Grateful
The mind is seeking for things to grasp on
And the heart is seeking to let go
My mind says oh poor you so alone on a special day
The heart sings with joy to welcome this day
POEM: Boundless Love
The heart aches in deep sorrow
For all the love unexpressed,
All the high praises, soulful gazes, passionate caresses
I did not express
In fear trembled the heart