POEM: Securely Attached

You surely are dreaming of a securely attached relationship
Yet isn’t the very act of looking for attachment an act of insecurity?
The only place you would seek to attach yourself to something or someone is from a place of feeling lack, separateness, disconnection, and insecurity.
There is no such thing as a secure attachment to anything in life.
Nothing in the material world is secure
The gift of this life is that you will die
And security...
To seek security is to seek death
The most secure place possible is in death
Your walls of protection are your walls of separation
You would only look for security when you feel unsafe and insecure
As you dream of secure attachment, you are dreaming of death and separateness
There is a place in you
Beyond boundaries
Beyond stories
Beyond fears
A place of oneness
A place of pure joy
A place of unconditional love
A place where your heart is so overfilled with love that if you try to add any more love to it, it will only splash and overflow into everything and everyone around you
Expressed as freedom and wild abandon of love that moves your beloved from attachment and security to liberation
That place is call “I”
That “I” where there is no separateness
That “I” is also you and I and her and him and everything around you
That “I” where you take the VR headset off and connect to truth
That “I” where you come from and you go back to
Yes that sounds poetic and beautiful
And yet that place is right there within you
You have access to it whenever you want
It can only be found in the isness of this moment
It can only be found beyond the labels of this moment
The place where you fully embrace your desires unconditionally, yet you let go of attachment
How do you desire your beloved fully
Embrace them as the divine that they are
Yet hold not on to them
There you create relationship, not because you seek security or attachment
You create relationship because you want to spread your joy and love with your beloved
Your love making is a celebration of life itself
Your commitment is to liberate yourself and each other into love
To make the love so unbearable it breaks you down into pieces where there is no longer security and attachment
The place where you move from securely attached to conscious embrace of the Divine within each other
That is a dream I invite you to come dream with me as you plug back into this made up reality of separate forms


POEM: Love me, Love me, Love me


POEM: A full mind is suffering