POEM: Love me, Love me, Love me

I know that once she loves me, I will be happy and fulfilled
And who is she?
How do I ever know if she is loving me or not?
Can I ever really know?
We will finally know true joy and happiness once we find true love
By true love, we mean that there is this perfect someone that can love us in just the right way
Once we know, and feel their love, we have finally arrived home
The truth is that who and how much they love us does very little for us
What really fills us up with true joy and happiness is how much we are willing to love
You have been told that God loves you
God loves you fully and unconditionally
You have been told Jesus loves you
You have been told your mom loves you
You have been told by many people that they love you
Someone loves you madly and you do not love them back, you call them many colorful and creative words
Haven’t you been seeking love your whole life?
Here it is, someone is willing to break the law to express their love for you
Not many people have ever loved you this much
Yet that love does not fill you up with true joy
It does not make your eyes swell with tears of ecstasy
It frightens you
You do believe that there is this perfect someone out there
They will be perfect and their love for you will be perfect
You will be perfect and your love for them will be perfect
You see
Someone loving you is a nuisance
You loving is liberation
I love them but they don’t love me back
I love them but they don’t respect me
I love them but they ignore me
I love them but they...
I love them but...
How about
I love them...
Why would you ever limit your love with buts
Why would you ever limit your love with conditions
Why would you ever limit your love with fears and doubt
Is that love
In the act of wanting someone to be different from the way they are, you have lost touch with love as you have lost touch with yourself
The very act of seeking love keeps you from having it
Once you love fully and openly there is nothing the other can do to prevent you from loving them
That is true freedom and true joy
You are love
No one can ever give you that which you are
No one can ever take away from you that which you are
You are love
You can do nothing to love or not love
Just remove the confusion and the noise
Come Home To Yourself
You are Love


POEM: If you think you have found meaning…


POEM: Securely Attached