BLOG: On Gods and Cyborgs - Expressing our Limitlessness within Limits

I feel inspired to gather and share my thoughts for the whirlwind of adventure that is called my life.

Love has been my most humbling teacher. Every time I have not listened to my heart or expressed the truth in my heart or chose to guard my heart, I have paid a price for that. Or, in other words, life has humbled me in ways that were not easy.

I am coming back from 4 weeks of traveling that started with a week in Barcelona!

I have to take a pause right there, as I was in Barcelona basically exactly 5 years ago. And I was there for only one reason, and that was to simply come, see, and be with a woman that I was deeply and inexplicably in love with. I know what I felt and had with her was unique and deep, if you would have asked me during that trip 5 years ago if I could see myself spending the rest of my life with this woman, I could have confidently said yes, even though I only knew her for roughly about a month, maybe a month and a half at that point. I had the great fortune to have my phone stolen as soon as I got there, and as such, I could not do anything but just simply be deeply present with the woman I was falling more and more in love with. I flew half way across the world to be with her just for 3 days. Such a magical journey those 3 days were. I have no words for it.

And as you may know, love takes root in our hearts and does not ask permission. And when it comes in, love takes no prisoners. It will obliterate you without asking whether you are ready or willing. As such, when I fell in love, my heart was not ready, and I did not know how to be with it all. I felt so vulnerable and naked. In ways, I was not ready to stand in that openly. Instead, I started to create lots of unconscious ways of pretending that I was not obliterated into oblivion, naked, and afraid. I thought, I got this, and I thought I knew what I was doing. Sadly, it took marrying this woman and her leaving me to become present to that obliteration.

After she left, I never felt more lost, confused, naked, alone, and scared. In the midst of that, somehow, I found the courage not to run from my feelings, chose to walk in the valley of shadows, alone, and sober. Day after day, spending hours being with the intensity of it all, embracing it, leaning towards it, and even in the moments I was not feeling it, I would question if I was avoiding something or if I was truly moving through it for real.

Now, I can’t tell you that I have come to the other side of the valley of shadows, but I can tell you that I decided to embrace my heart fully and follow not my mind, not my fears or my doubt, nor to seek security or safety, but instead to go where my heart takes me, no matter the cost. I am not saying this to brag. I was fortunate enough to be at a place where I had nothing else to lose, so in a sense, maybe I didn’t even have any other option.

And even a year and a half later, there is probably not a day that goes by where I do not think of her and ponder the question, what would it be like if we did make that love real and sustainable? And on the other hand, it has been the biggest gift in my life, as I am choosing life and love every single day and every single moment that I am aware enough to remember to do so. And as a result, I have truly had the best year of my life despite the heaviness in my heart.

I have been blessed to share that love with the most amazing people from around the world on the daily, which brings us back to me coming back to Barcelona 5 years later, where I got to practice this love in a whole new way.

I came to Barcelona to join the gathering with the LeCiel Foundation, where I was so fortunate to gather with people from around the whole planet to explore the simple question of what we could create on this planet if we first come from coherence and love. And we did not only ask that question, we were all deeply committed to practicing that in real life, in this moment right now. We were so committed that we were all willing to drop everything else we were doing to be of service to coming back to this moment, connecting to our hearts, and getting back to coherence with each other.

I have worked with a lot of people in my life in all different arenas of life, from construction projects, to leading workshops, to participating in many workshops, to crypto projects, to building Burning Man camps, and so on. In all those projects, we all had our attention on the bottom line, on our goal, on how to get there most efficiently. This was different. The goal was a byproduct of our commitment to coherence in love. As a result, what we achieved in two days, I can confidently say should have taken 2 months, if not 2 years.

This has completely altered my view of creative collaboration and getting things done. It is so counterintuitive. It truly feels like doing the most unproductive thing gets you the most production. Sounds simple and it is extremely simple. As it goes in life, the simplest things usually seem the hardest.

I am also so fortunate to be deeply involved with the Web3 space where I have met some of the brightest minds working on solving some of the most complex problems that we are facing as humanity. I am so humble and often left feeling mentally challenged interacting with these bright minds. Yet, I ask myself, why hasn’t Web3 already solved all these problems? After all, the answers and all the technology are here today. And what I am present to is that even though in Web3 we have the hardest working people asking the hardest questions and willingness to try new things, yet most are still coming from the place I was coming from in my first trip to Barcelona, thinking I got this, thinking I know better. Yet, I was so desperately seeking safety and security instead of embracing love and trust, trust in life itself, trust in unseen forces of life, trust in Mother Earth and Father Sky, knowing I am of utter irrelevance and insignificance, knowing I cannot do anything without the grace of the Divine.

It is clear, no matter how clear and innocent our intentions, desires, and actions are, until we change where we come from, we will continue to repeat the same mistakes and we will call it progress.

We have all the solutions to solve every single problem on this planet. We do not lack the technology, nor the desire, nor the willingness. I say this with full confidence as I have seen it first hand. I do every single day.

We need healing, integration and coherence if there is to be any change. And I am not saying this from some arrogant place of preaching. I am saying this from a place of experience. I witness more and more people every day committed to this before anything else. As I was fortunate enough to experience that firsthand in my time in Barcelona with the community from LeCiel.

I have full trust and faith that we are doing it and it is happening and we will come through this on the other side as one.

Now, you might read this and it might even strike a chord, making you think, “I want to make a difference, and I don’t want to repeat the mistakes of my well-intentioned ancestors. How the heck do we do this on a practical level?”

From my life observations, I’ve noticed that life seeks balance, and it’s in the dance of balance that the magic happens. Finding balance often means leaning into the not-so-natural, embracing what we don’t want to do, facing our fears. Yeah, not the most comfortable path, I know.

Before I dive deeper, let’s make a couple of generalizations — keeping in mind that life’s usually more shades of gray than black and white, more nuanced and complex.

See, if you’re a natural doer and lean towards being, or if you’re naturally more comfortable in being, lean towards more doing. I promise you, the more you lean in the direction you’re not comfortable with, the better you become at the thing you’re naturally gifted at. I’m fortunate enough to be part of both types of communities. The ones leaning more towards spirituality and being tend to have beautiful visions and dreams for a wonderful life on this planet. However, they often over-process, lack funds, and not much happens on a practical level. Eventually, things either naturally dissolve or end in deep drama. This community can completely revolutionize its impact on the world by putting more attention on doing and less on processing.

On the other hand, communities that lean towards the doing part and always seem to be going full speed tend to get things done. However, these things often don’t gain much traction. They harbor more unspoken resentments, go-go until they burn out, and can’t go anymore.

I think we need to recognize that we are operating with humans and not with cyborgs or cogs in a machine meant to do one repetitive and reliable task. We need to find time and space in our organizations for our humanness. And I am not using the word “humanness” in the negative connotation that is usually used, suggesting that we are flawed and imperfect, as in, “after all, we are only human.” I mean it in the opposite way: We, as humans, are extremely powerful as we have been given the tool of consciousness, which literally means we are creators. We create a universe of our own making. We are Gods incarnated in a 3-dimensional reality, choosing to experience what limitations feel like. After all, the beauty of any creation is working within the constraints you are given. Could you create anything if you had no limitations? Matter of fact evidence suggests that the more limited and constricted one is, the more creativity is invoked. The only reason you exist in this reality is because there are seemingly limits to the boundary of where you end and the world around you begins. How do we express the limitless within the limitations of the 3-dimensional dream that we call reality?

Okay, I know I went off the deep end there, yet I am also serious. How do we cultivate the aspects within ourselves and within our organizations that allow us to tap into our gifts and express and offer what we are creating together or as individuals?

This is what I am exploring within our organizations and what I am witnessing in all these other organizations. We are literally exploring, what are called decentralized autonomous organizations or DAO’s for short, which looks at the organization as a living organism, just like your limited body is hosting your limitless self. What is more important: your heart or your brain? Your feet or your hands? Your skin or your liver? You see, the moment any one of the systems is not in coherence with the rest, we experience dis-ease. Another example, is the heart trying to do the job of the liver, or vice versa.

Let me bring it all home. If your organization is meeting two times a week, or you are working together eight hours a day, I believe you need to incorporate time where you meet and spend time together without discussing or doing work. Ideally, that time is spent more internally, and everyone in the organization is given the opportunity to participate and even lead the process during that period. Spending intentional time to connect to the deeper aspects of life as a community is crucial.

Having fun is also extremely important. The moment we start to think that what we are doing is somehow very important and is saving humanity or the planet, we know we have lost the balance, and things are about to go south. So, do not ever take yourself or what you are doing seriously, as it is completely irrelevant and pointless in the grand scheme of things.

In a nutshell:

Spend time doing!

Spend time being!

Spend time having fun!

Include everyone; create a space for contributions!

Practice what you preach in the present, not in a distant future. Remember, the most persistent thing in the universe is this moment.

If we do that, I believe we would set the foundation for producing impacts that are more inclusive and holistic.

In the practice of what I am preaching, remember not to take anything I am saying too seriously. It is entirely irrelevant, and yet if we are going to bother to do anything, we might as well do something that is in service to the whole.

You, as an essential part of the whole, I love you. We can’t do this without you. Shine your light brightly, and thanks for being you. You’re loved more than you know.

~ Hristiyan Atanasov


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