Self-Care: How You Take Your Power Back

I feel called to share my story and my evolution around this whole big scary virus.  I want to write because I am deeply concerned about what I am seeing.  My heart is deeply aching when I see what is occurring with my fellow humans and our only home, planet earth. 

A lot of you think that I might have totally lost my mind or at the very least I have become a crazy conspiracy theorist.  Well, let me assure you I have not.

My only intention for this whole long story is to share with you why have I come to see what I see and with the only hope being that this might make you ask some questions about what is occurring in the world and your community.  I have been inviting people to think critically so they can come to their own conclusions for some time now and that has little to no effect, if anything I have lost some friends.  I still really feel called to simply share my process and story.

CORONA VIRUS? What’s that?

My very first experience was in early January when my employees told me that we should go stock up on masks since there was a whole city in China 🇨🇳 that is in a lock down and people will freak out and buy out all the masks and we will not have any to use for work.  I thought they had gone crazy when they told me that and I had no idea what they are talking about and I told them if it will make them feel better, they should.  

Later, in early March, I had dinner with a friend of mine that had done a ton of research on the subject and he was pretty freaked out about it all and honestly he freaked me out as well.  At that point, there were no longer masks or hand sensitizers to be found anywhere.  I did have a good amount of N95 masks so I started wearing one everywhere.  I was literally the only one wearing one anywhere I went.

A week later the whole world shut down and most of my employees refused to work and some jobs I was about to start were canceled.  I was freaked out on many levels. I was terrified of what was happening around the world. I was terrified of some invisible enemy that supposedly I can get from anywhere and from anyone that was going to kill me and those I love.  I was also afraid for our livelihood and our financial situation. 

At that time, I also happened to be working at an elder care home and I was building out their doctor’s office.  My client called me and told me “what you are doing is essential work and you cannot stop working. I desperately need you to finish this project since the elders are counting on us to take care of them and we will also be able to do COVID tests here as well.”  That was my biggest blessing.  Me having the practice to go towards discomfort and towards my fears, I did just that.  I had to go swing the hammer myself and finish the project while still trying to save the business.  I have not had a single day off or stayed home a single day, not counting weekends, during this whole fiasco. So, as a result, I might have a different perspective of the world related to this than some of you.

There were times in those early days that mine would be the only car on the road and that was an eerie feeling.  One thing that I kind of understood about the virus rightly or wrongly was that we will all eventually be exposed to it, the only thing is to try to slow the spread so as not to overwhelm our hospitals.  I also gathered that the virus mostly impacts people with compromised immune systems.   Armed with only that information, my wife and I made the only obvious decision that we could make.  Though we both considered ourselves to be healthy already, we decided to take our health and our immune system to the next level.


Boosting my Health

I started making immune boosting smoothies every day, started taking a lot of herbs and vitamins.  We even did a month-long cleanse to rid our bodies of toxins.  We also started taking a look at other negative impacts on our immune system. Recognizing things like stress, fear, anxiety, alcohol, drugs, stagnation, overeating, and so on would only deplete us.  We started replacing those with daily gratitudes, daily meditations, long walks, and time in nature. Kristen was exercising a lot and I was swinging the hammer everyday, so we were both very active.  We became stronger, lost weight, became healthier, and more vibrant. 

What I witnessed in the world around us was that people seemed to have doubled down on all the things that weaken their immune system. People were sharing about how they were overeating and gaining weight, having very stagnant lives, drinking way more than what they used to, living in total fear, and isolation.  I was in shock to see all this and I started to worry about our immediate community and the one at large.

Meanwhile, things were getting worse every day and every week.  Tighter lock downs, small businesses going out of business, people losing their livelihoods, domestic violence on the rise, mental illness on the rise, suicide on the rise, poverty on the rise, and so on.


Evolution of the Mask

At that time, scientists, doctors, and government were telling us not to wear masks since they do not do much to stop the virus since it is way too small to be stopped by any mask (and they were in limited supply).  Well since I do not believe scientists, doctors, and our government, I started to wear a mask.  Before I share more about that, I want to make one thing very clear… I do not for a second believe that doctors and scientist are somehow evil. I believe they truly mean well and want the best for their patients.  What I see is that they are simply a part of a broken system.  I am not saying the system is broken because there is some big conspiracy (which there could be and I have seen a lot interesting stuff around that) but the system is simply broken based on results.

I feel it was important to take this slight detour to understand again why I think the way I do and why I say what I say.

The USA is the wealthiest and most affluent country in the world, yet it has one of the sickest populations physically and mentally, of any developed country, with the biggest health care bill in the world.  More than 70% of its population is on prescription medications of some kind.

Cancer, heart disease, and mysterious auto-immune illnesses have been increasing like crazy since I have come to this country 20 years ago. 

It is illegal in the USA for a licensed medical doctor to treat patients with alternative methods. If they do, they can lose their license, and many have.  You can have a degree or even two as a doctor without being required to take any classes on nutrition or maybe just one. They have eight or twelve years of education and only ONE class on nutrition (don’t quote me on this but it is very close to reality).  From what I have witnessed in this system, most doctors have little understanding about how the human system functions as a whole and how to treat people holistically.  And many of them will wave their credentials in your face. They will say, “I know better than you because I am a Doctor or a Nurse”  I am sorry, I mean no disrespect, but if you tell me something that makes no logical sense and my whole being is screaming “no"!”, I will not listen to you.

Lastly, I want to say, historically, doctors and scientists used to tell pregnant women to smoke, told us DDT is safe for children, prescribed speed to housewives, told us that asbestos is safe for you, have prescribed heroin, told us that Jewish and black people are subspecies, and some even said they are less than gorillas.  But that was then and things are different now. They would not tell us to do something that is not good for us today (being sarcastic here).  Today, they tell us RoundUp or glyphosate are safer for us then table salt, yet pretty much all modern-day health issues can be easily be tied back to glyphosate.  And, of course, they must be right, they wear the white coats so they should know what is what.   

And as this study shows, people will follow authority and pretty much hand over their discernment.

Simply said, the medical establishment is designed for profit, not for health. And if it is designed for profit, the more sick people you have, the more money you make

Now, back to the mask… It is the second week of March and I am the only one with a mask on anywhere I go.  But then something interesting started to happen.  On the days that I would wear my mask for the whole day, I would go home with a very dry, sore throat and an uncomfortable headache (with an added dose of fear that I have finally gotten the big scary virus).  Well, I just needed to put two and two together, apply some rational thinking, and realize… Wait a minute! This body is designed to exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen and through our exhale we release toxins.  I have been breathing in my own carbon dioxide and toxins all day so of course I feel like shit! (After all, that is why they design vents on most masks -- before COVID that is.)  And so I did some basic research and found out that I was right.  It is awfully bad for you to breathe back in what your body is very intelligently letting go of.  In short, it will give you all the supposed symptoms that you will get from COVID.  So, I stopped wearing masks except in the places that required it (grocery store/banks, etc).

What is a Virus?

From there, I started learning about what a virus is and how it works and my mind was blown away.  A virus is not really a living thing, a virus is a rather simple thing that consists of small and simple quantities of DNA or RNA (the genetic information in every living cell) so it is simply genetic information.  Viruses are ubiquitous, they exist literally everywhere - in land, water, or air.  They get inside living organisms in the most creative ways  - simply breathed in, eaten, drank, through insects, and worst of all, pollution, and so on.  Once they are inside the system, they are small enough that they can freely float anywhere in the body for the most part. They can pass through cell membranes so they go anywhere your bio chemistry takes them. Once inside of a cell, they reproduce themselves in one of two ways: 1) during the DNA replication process, or 2) during the RNA replication process. Both of which take place in all of our cells constantly by the billions.  The virus uses your genetic information to make another copy of itself or in other cases, it simply inserts itself into your DNA and updates your genetic information.  In both cases, for a moment, your cell is genetically not right.  Therefore, the cell makes enzymes and proteins that are different from normal and they can be toxic.  Which is why you get muscle aches, headaches, and fever when a particular viral population explodes in your system.  This process changes you or in other words it updates your DNA, and yes, you can also get very sick and potentially die as well if your system is not strong enough to go through this process. 

In simple terms, a virus is a communication network of genomics and it is the most important building block for life on this planet and we are vilifying how biology happens. 

We have lived at war with nature for far too long and nature is about to take the upper hand. This virus is just a warning.  Being at war with nature is literally being in war with yourself, since you are nature.    

So, this magical process is constantly happening all around us in a magical dance between all living organisms and viruses and it has been happening since there has been life on this planet.  It is an essential process to evolution.  There are more viruses in your body than you can imagine.  There are more viruses and living organisms in a handful of healthy soil than your logical mind can perceive and process.

Nature is not a democratic process. It is a magical, beautiful process that you can live in accordance with or you will suffer.  Water gives life to everything, yet water can kill you too if you do not honor and respect it. 

What this process led me to is to essentially fall in love with viruses, not be afraid of them.  Understanding that a virus can potentially update my DNA in a smooth and easy way if my system is strong and vibrant and I am living as part of nature not apart from nature.  

All this inspired me to take my health to even the next level yet again. The more I learned about what health is, the more I came to one very basic fact and that is…

To be a strong, vibrant living organism I need to be more and more a part of nature, not apart from nature. 

Realizing this simple truth helped me realize at that point, I knew little about what actual health is. 

Health Means Connection To Earth

I started looking at all the ways I am apart from nature in the most simple of ways like when was the last time my feet and hands touched Mother Earth or a healthy piece of soil and I realized it had been a very long time.  I have been trying to get to health through chemistry in the form of pills (even if they are organic and raw and minimally processed) yet, I do not remember the last time I picked a vegetable off it’s stem and ate it right away, or picked a piece of fruit straight from a tree and literally taste the sun.  I have been living my life as if nature is something to protect myself from and living apart from her.  I’ve been living in my comfortable little box with the perfect temperature of 72 (or 22 Celsius) degrees all year around so deeply uncomfortable if the temperature changes even a little bit up or down.  Even if we go to the beach, we protect ourselves from the sun by covering ourselves in sunscreen or quickly look for shade.  All our foods come from God knows where and even though it’s organic, it is ALWAYS wrapped in plastic. Most food in any grocery store is literally months old, deeply processed, and lacks any nutrition. We are destroying the earth and our soil at speeds unimaginable and unseen since the existence of this planet. 

We have completely lost our way.  We do not know how to be alive inside the very system that we are a part of. 

Furthermore, the way we are going about dealing with this virus is the same exact way we have gone about dealing with viruses and pests in our soil as well.  The more we fight them the stronger and bigger they become year after year. Until we stop fighting them and live in accordance and flow with nature. (Very few people are doing this as most are at war with viruses and continue to destroy the soil until nothing can grow there.) As a result, we have completely destroyed our planet and killed the soil and we are turning highly biodiverse lands into total deserts.  And we are doing the same to our bodies.  Well, of course, we are dying from a little magical genetic information.  And we will continue to die.  The percentage of people dying from this virus is less than 1%!  From what I have heard that’s nothing compared to what is to come.   I promise you if we do not change our ways, the next virus will kill a lot more than this and the one after that a lot more until there are no humans left to kill.  And before we talk about the next virus, we are still not through with this one and this one is about to take a lot more lives. Since this whole Covid thing started, most people have disconnected themselves from nature and their fellow humans and as a result have weakened their immunize systems even further. 

To be healthy, we need to live in a rich, biodiverse ecology. We need to eat rich, biodiverse foods. We need to spend time in rich biodiverse systems. Our guts needs to be rich in biodiversity, our community needs to be “biodiverse”, our thoughts needs to be “biodiverse” and so on.  The only way out is to be one with nature, not further separate ourselves from it. 

And everyone I see all around me, people, media, doctors, scientists, and those who govern us, are leading us in the opposite direction. Almost everyone is fighting to wear their masks and to stay away from those that they love.

Now that I had become present through personal experience and deep research to understanding what I needed to do, I started doing more of that.  I would spend more time in nature and allow myself to be uncomfortable in the hot sun. I started to walk barefoot in nature. I started to take cold showers. I started new breathing practices.  I try to greet the sunrise when I can and say goodnight to the sunset when I can. 

Connecting to the cycles of the moon, living more in alignment with the natural cycles of the planet, and honoring those processes with ritual and celebration, I expose myself to more biodiversity of all sorts.

At this point, we are 9 months into this insanity and things are not getting better. In fact, they are getting worse. So here is where I felt the deep need to start speaking out.

Disconnection and Fear

Literally everything “the powers that be” tell us to do, disconnects us from nature and weakens our immune system.  But forget what they are telling us, it feels like most of my community has turned into the Gestapo, policing anyone that dares to ask simple questions and dares to live fear-free wanting to live life in a way that we are meant to live.

Everything we are doing, and “they” are telling us to do only weakens our system and disconnects us further (i.e. stay indoors, don’t hang with your family and friends, wear a mask all the time.)

Constant fear is in anything you watch and it seems all everyone is talking about is 100% based in fear. Fear weakens your immune system!

Then, there is the dividing of people around every little thing. I have never seen people so divided in my whole life.  As people are further divided, they feel further isolated and alone. And that really weakens your system.

Speaking about divisiveness, let’s talk about masks (one more time.) I see people wearing masks in their own cars by themselves. If that is not bad enough, I see people out in nature wearing masks and that, in particular, breaks my heart. Instead of using the opportunity to strengthen your immunity by letting nature heal you, people are choosing deeper disconnection.  Honestly, walking through a grocery store seeing people willingly muzzling themselves and not having actual human contact with others is absolutely devastating to me.

From all this and what I shared earlier, it became painfully obvious that masks weaken my immune system and separate me from nature and fellow humans.  Worst of all, they make me more susceptible to viruses in general.

Hand sanitizer weakens your system.

Not having healthy social interactions or being able to see people’s facial expressions weakens our system.

People are literally afraid of other people and that alone is enough to make one sick, both physically and mentally.

Healthy community and sharing a meal and laughter with those you love is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Yet, they tell you to keep 6 feet away from other people.

I have even seen advice from the CDC telling mothers to wear masks around their babies.  What kind of humans are we creating with that mentality?

Meanwhile, if you understand how a virus works and how small it is, you know that this virus has already coded the whole planet and the only way is to make friends with it by strengthening your immunity, not to fight it in a battle that you are bound to lose. 

Then, they closed all parks and beaches, disconnecting you further from nature.

If anyone cares in the slightest about you and your health, they will open all National parks and make camping free for everyone and tell people to take their whole family and go spend at least one weekend a month in nature!

Do the people coming up with this stuff have any interest in resolving the problem or not?  Literally everything they are telling us to do only makes things worse. 

Although there is a large group of scientists and doctors (6000!) speaking out against lockdown and speaking up for the need to develop herd immunity.

And what about the impact this is having on people that already have compromised immune systems? What about those who are malnourished, those already financially struggling and losing their small business and jobs, those already living under a lot of stress, and those already living in fear not knowing how they will make it next month?

  • 8 million Americans have gone into deep poverty since COVID started 

  • Substance abuse has skyrocketed 

  • Mental illness has skyrocketed  

  • Domestic violence has skyrocketed  

  • Suicide has skyrocketed 

  • Child abuse has skyrocketed  

  • And so on 

For what?!  Because out of nowhere our government and the medical giant establishment started to care for the elderly and those immune compromised when they have not cared about them for many decades?!  Do you honestly believe that? 

And then there is Silencing and Censorship

I have started seeing a shit ton of people starting to speak up, as I am, and what happens to those people? Two things:

  1. One is they outright get ridiculed, shamed, dismissed and worst of all shunned away from their communities and their loved ones, I have experienced this firsthand. 

  2. The second thing that happens is that they get silenced literally.

What took the cake for me and when I really started to worry was when YouTube took down videos from Brian Rose and threatened to shut down his whole channel. I have seen his videos for few years now and I have never really been big fan of his because he has always been too vanilla for me and not edgy at all.  So when they silence the most vanilla and the least edgy person of all simply for raising some questions, that is a huge concern for someone like me who came from a communist regime.  Then, I start seeing that many doctors everywhere are raising questions and getting silenced.  

Should I keep going?  

Again, remember, this is my experience and my truth. But, so far, I see that all they are doing is making people sicker, distorting people's livelihoods, and all our liberties have been chipped away one by one. This followed with the biggest censorship that I have seen since my days living under communism and of course the biggest and fastest transfer of wealth ever from the poor to the rich!  

If any of this has touched you in any way then I am sure you can do your own research from here on out and find a whole lot of information that will blow your mind.

Have you heard of event 201?

This was posted in October 2019. They totally played out and acted out to the letter what to do if something like what is happening right now were to happen.  And it is all playing out literally to the T as this imaginary pre-plan scenario.  Furthermore, the people that designed this simulation are the ones benefiting highly from what is happening right now.

I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it is all available for you to read and discover your own truth.    

As I wrap this up, I want to share a few more Personal Stories.

When this whole thing first started, all the news media was saying that hospitals were being overwhelmed and there were a ton of people in the ER.

As I mentioned, I have not had a single day off and I have been out and about every day so I decide to drive by a few hospitals. There were literally zero people. I had friends in other places do the same and they saw the same.  I have friends that work in hospitals around the whole country in the world and they all reported the same. They said hospitals have never been this empty because now people that actually needed to go to the hospital were afraid to do so because of the big scary virus.  Then, I saw a lot of people on YouTube doing the same thing, driving to hospitals and filming them totally empty and if they walk in and ask some questions they were kicked out.

I had a coaching client from NYC at the time and he calls me one day totally concerned and tells me “I think I got it, I have fever, shortness of breath, and body aches.” I simply asked him: 

  • “When was the last time you went outside?”

  • “When was the last time you saw the sun?”

  • “When was the last time you were active?”

The answer to all my questions was “about 10 days”

I told him “go outside and let the sun love you and walk a few miles”

The next day he called me ecstatic and told me he feels so much better and has so much more energy. 

Later, I followed up with some research wherein nurses shared that most people showing symptoms are people like my client or people with anxiety attacks that present with the symptoms as Covid.  All that is fine, the problem is that they were admitting those people into the hospitals anyway and putting them in rooms with people that actually do have Covid and they were all dying. And worst of all, those people were not dying from the virus. They were dying from mistreatment. 

My Sister-in-law started to develop all the symptoms and she went to get tested. She got negative results, but the doctor called her to tell her she needed to quarantine anyway since 40% of tests are wrong and if she has the symptoms she probably has it.

My Mother-in-law confirmed, hospitals get money for Covid positives and get a lot more money for Covid deaths. So, again, hearing firsthand from people working in hospitals that they test everyone who comes in and until recently, results took 3 to 7 days even though there were much faster tests available. But, those tests were more expensive and were exclusively for VIP members.  So they would mark everyone as positive until otherwise shown and many of those notations did not get reversed because “Why bother?” and “Why not get the extra cash?”

And, of course, there were a lot of videos from doctors from around the world talking about this. There were literally articles by reputable establishments entitled “man in a motorcycle crash dies from covid” and so on.

I have to share this video because it just happened to me and it was hilarious.  On a plane, they do not separate people. You are sitting 6” away from a stranger for 5.5 hours, in my case, and people are allowed to remove their masks to drink and eat, but when you get on and off the plane and while you are at the airport, you have to be 6’ away from them.  And no one is questioning this?

Anyway, I could keep going on and share a lot more, but I think at this point, this gives you a clear perspective of where I am coming from.  I know it has been a very long story. If you have made this far, thank you. I do really appreciate it.  I think it was important to share as broadly and widely as possible and it felt it will not serve it’s intended purpose to cut it short.

I find it essential to speak up and I know many people are seeing the same thing I am and are terrified to speak up, but I invite you to speak up. You will lose friends, but I promise you will find new ones.  We need to speak up right now more than ever.

So, at this point, though it might have started off as a virus, what has happened is our fear has reduced our ability to be discerning.  Looking simply at results, I see how our livelihoods and liberties have been and will continue to be destroyed.  We have now entered the second round and I am very certain it will all get worse before it ever gets better.  Though I do believe in the power of human connection and intelligence, I feel we need so many more people looking at our reality and choosing to find connecting solutions.   

I believe the way to deal with this is to stop the divisiveness and for us all to come together, committing to healing ourselves and the planet and to say no to things that are unhealthy and not sensible. 

We absolutely can make changes if we come together.  I have been posting on social media not because I want to or even have the time.  I feel it is more urgent than ever that people wake up and stop fighting about politics and masks and we all come together in love and unity and heal our beautiful planet.  I love you and I am writing this because I miss you and want us all to live vibrant, rich, biodiverse lives on all levels.

I know this whole thing might be a bit disturbing, but I felt I needed to write about this process.  In my next article, I will get to the more juicy stuff… solutions.


POEM: Boundless Love