POEM: What is my purpose...

I keep chasing these dreams and goals I have

Noble dreams and goals of saving the world
Yet I can’t save myself
We all want to change the world
Yet few of us have the courage to change ourselves
What purpose do I have other than to arrive into this moment
They say the only thing that never changes is change itself
If I change this world to a better one, wouldn’t that change still
More often than not the solutions cause more trouble than help
Yet there is something innate in us humans that want to impact the world around us, leave this place better than we found it
I want to help when I see someone or something “in distress”
Yet when I am “in distress” I look away

Oh Divine One, give me the humility and the courage to look at myself every time I want to change someone or something else for what they are other than a fragment of my imagination or simply a mirror of my own brokenness

Give me the will to let go of the past as it holds me down to stories of resentment and nostalgia of life that is no more

Give me the strength to let go of the future as it holds stories of fear and hope of life that does not exist

For where is this life to live other than in the most persistent thing in the universe this moment
Has this moment ever not loved me fully and completely
Has this moment ever not accepted me unconditionally as
I am
Has this moment ever not given me all that I need
Have I ever loved in the past or the future

As I seek love it slips through my fingers
As I seek happiness I get sorrow
As I seek the Divine I find the mundane
As I seek meaning I feel lost
As I seek purpose I drift into aimlessness

I am right here
All of life is in this moment
All that ever was and ever will be is right here basking in pure, dive, unconditional, generous love and I will meet you here


POEM: A full mind is suffering


POEM: Grateful